
Time flies...

Well, y'all. July has just been crazy for me.

As you know, BG and I returned home from Texas on July 5th, and obviously things have been hectic around here as I have not posted ONCE since we got back! Lots of things have been going on though:
  • I got a job! At my previous job, I was helping someone with a side project and she had been persistently trying to get me on her team since about February. Some how she managed to make that happen, and I have been working again since last Monday. I will be working as a contractor until the end of the year, and then we'll see where things go from there! Last week they had me in Minneapolis all week for training on a sales database, and then next week I'll be in Herndon, Virginia (near Washington DC) for a meeting.
  • I finished the desk! It is not perfect by any stretch, but I finished it. I built a desk! I'll post a picture soon--I'm still working on getting our "office" together and I want you to see it when it's all done and pretty! I took the color inspiration from a binder that I used when I was planning our wedding. Think: chocolate brown, turquoise, a light celery green, and white.
  • We've been working hard on the yard...we have new grass and everything! I have a few plants to shift around, and then I'll post pictures. PROMISE. And by "we", I mean Billy. He's the best.
  • I got an iPhone! Yeah, yeah, so what. But it's big news for me!
So anyway, the moral of the story is: I've been pretty busy. Since the beginning of June and then running through next week, I'll have been in or through 9 states! The girls and I drove to Florida, so that put me in Alabama, too. Then I drove to Texas, so that puts me through Louisiana and Arkansas. Last week's trip to Minneapolis, and had a stop in Illinois. And then next week I'll be in Virginia for work and then Georgia for our friend's wedding. Counting Tennessee, I've hit up a good 20% of the US!

Once I get settled in with work, I plan to get back on the workout wagon (I started Power 90 on Tuesday and it is so much better for me than P90X!), and finally put up some pictures of our house. I've been moving a lot of stuff around so it's kind of a disaster right now.

I hope everyone has a splendid weekend! I've got a birthday party to go to, and then week 2 of our card group...what about you?



We're back...

We're back from Texas and I just wanted to show you how insane our kitchen looks right now.

It's pretty ridiculous.

I have lots of things to share: what we did to my mom's house, what Billy did while he was at home and I was gone, and what I'm up to now that I'm back.

Stay tuned!