#1. Build a desk.
For a while, I have been absolutely salivating over a Parsons Desk from West Elm. Until now.
Just a little bit ago I sat down to read my favorite shelter blog Young House Love. Lo and behold, today's post featured a site that teaches you how to DIY the furniture pieces you love to dog-ear from your West Elm and Pottery Barn catalogs. I do not know who this girl is, but I just want to give her a big hug. Honey, you just saved us about $250! The site is Knock Off Wood. You're welcome.

#2. Master bedroom upgrade.
I feel better now that I've gotten that off my chest. I picked this color before we moved into the house and basically off of a computer screen. Bad idea, friends. I had envisioned this beautiful teal-gray. What did I end up with? BLUE. Or, as my friends have dubbed it, Adult Blue. They all like it. I hate it. I don't think Billy really cares. Either way, it must go. Enter design*sponge. I saw this redesign from a person that started with BLUE, and was blessed with this...
HOLY SANCTUARY, BATMAN! I absolutely love this. I think I can achieve something similar for not much more than a couple gallons of paint and by using a lot of what we already have on-hand. Yes, please!

#3. Let there be cake (stands)!
I think this idea is freaking brilliant. This came from a bride on a budget via design*sponge again. I love cake stands. If I had unlimited space in which to store them, I would probably buy every single one I see. Luckily for Billy and our bank account, I do not. This clever chick-a-dee got some textured plates and candle holders from her nearby Goodwill store, glued the plate to the candle holder, and then spray-painted the pair white. BRILLIANT. I'm gonna do this!

My absolute favorite part of all these little projects is that they are very wallet-friendly. As you know from previous posts, part of our goal for this year was to get down and dirty with Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and turn our money frowns upside-down. I think we can spend less than $150 on all of these and stay well within our budget. I don't know about you, but I think that would get a big DR Seal of Approval!
OK back to reading. There are still over 200 new items in my Google Reader.
Megan, that's the exact bedroom I want!
ReplyDeleteLet's do it!! It's so pretty!!