Happy Valentine's Day! I have to admit, I am a converted former V-day cynic. I would be in constant eye-roll mode as soon as the pink and red stuff hit the store shelves right after the new year hit every year. Until last year. Last year, Billy and I had our first Valentine's Day together and this year was our first as a married couple. Here's what I woke up to this morning:

I also made what turned out to be the most funky looking heart-shaped sugar cookies ever made in the history of the world. I am clearly not good with the whole cookie-cutting thing. Do I stick to just "blob" cookies (cookies that you just put a blob of dough on the pan and let the oven do its thing) or keep working on it? We'll see...
I managed to arrange them artfully enough to hide the wonkiness. They were pretty tasty though. As for the calendar, I totally have to give credit where it's due. I got the idea from Young House Love's post Calendar Girl (& Boy). This was an idea that John put together for Sherry with some of their funny inside jokes, and I thought it was such a cute idea that I just had to do it. There's no possible way I could've figured out how to whip out a calendar like that, so it was a great thing for me that they posted the template. Billy just went nuts over it!! So thanks to John and Sherry for such a cute idea that was super cheap ($0!!) and one that we can enjoy all year long!

Today has been really great though. We've just been hanging around on the couch watching the Olympics and taking advantage of the cold, gloomy weather outside. We managed to venture out to grab a coffee and we'll have to figure out how to peel ourselves off the couch to get our daily workout in, but I'm sooooo not looking forward to that. Ugh!
And by the way...every day I come home from work and find the couch cushion in front of the window squished on one side and now I know why. I think Murphy has found himself a little perch...
Holy cow cookies and flowers! My day is complete!