A few years ago for my birthday, one of my work friends gave me this cookbook: 500 Cupcakes!
While I haven't tried as many of the recipes as I would like, I have definitely found a favorite...for life. The Zucchini & Feta Muffins--these muffins are to die for!

Billy mentioned that this was one of the ways I reeled him in...I think I brought one of these to him at work when we first started giving each other that sideways look...hehe. I try to make them for him every once in a while. He loves them. They are especially good right out of the oven with butter. Mmmmmmmm.
Dogs love them, too! Murph was very insistent that I let him sample a piece, just to make sure they were ok. They passed the test.

And for the record, I cannot WAIT to get my hands on a DSLR so I can take better food pictures...
So, if you happen to come across any of those 500 cookbooks, I definitely recommend picking up one or two. I have the appetizer one as well, and there are some yummy treats in there, too!