Here I am in Texas, and I guess it's been a while since I've been here during the summer months because OH. MY. is hot! It's not even 12 noon as I'm writing this and it's already over 90 degrees, with the heat index expected to be over 103. And don't even get me started about the humidity.
We've been doing our best to stay inside and keep cool and decided to have a little fun. And so, I wanted to introduce you to my mom. Blog, meet Marilyn!

She's goofy. She's funny. She's caring, opinionated, passionate.
And a barrel of fun and laughs.

Here's mama with the rugrats, Sophie (her dog) and of course, my Murphy.

Sophie just loves Murphy. Murphy, on the other hand, could take it or leave it.
There has been lots of growling in the past couple of days...

Sophie is such a cutie, but she is so mischievous!

And there's my sweet boy.
There will be many more pics from my little adventure in Texas, so stay tuned. On Friday I get to see my good friend Jill. We haven't seen each other in about 3 years, but we were super close when she lived in Nashville. I can't wait to see her and meet her sweet little girl Mia!
Stay cool, y'all!